day sleeper
receiving dept., 3 a.m.
staff cuts have socked up the overage
directives are posted.
no callbacks complaints.
everywhere is calm.
Hong Kong is present
Taipei awakes
all talk of circadian rythm
I see today with a newsprint fray
my night is colored headache grey
the bull and the bear are marking
their territories
they're leading the blind with
their international glories
I'm the screen, the blinding light
I'm the screen, I work at night.
I see today with a newsprint fray
my night is colored headache grey
don't wake me with so much.
I cried the other night
I can't even say why
fluorescent flat caffeine lights
its furious balancing
I'm the screen, the blinding light
I'm the screen, I work at night.
I see today...
don't wake me with so much... the
ocean machine is set to 9
I'll squeeze into heaven and valentine
my bed is pulling me,
daysleeper. daysleeper.
daysleeper. daysleeper. daysleeper.
(R.E.M - daysleeper)
maaf baru sempat berkunjung dan posting lagi...baru saja terbebas dari "tidur" panjang karena aktifitas yang menyita 50 % stase di rs dan sisanya dihabiskan dengan tidur..jadilah blog terbengkalai..
tidur menjadi aktifitas keseharian diluar aktifitas sehari-hari yang tak berujung...tapi akhirnya semuanya segera berujung..kalau orang makassar bilang " kelihatan mi ujungnya"...hehehe..
jadi besok2 sudah bisa produktif lagi..
staff cuts have socked up the overage
directives are posted.
no callbacks complaints.
everywhere is calm.
Hong Kong is present
Taipei awakes
all talk of circadian rythm
I see today with a newsprint fray
my night is colored headache grey
the bull and the bear are marking
their territories
they're leading the blind with
their international glories
I'm the screen, the blinding light
I'm the screen, I work at night.
I see today with a newsprint fray
my night is colored headache grey
don't wake me with so much.
I cried the other night
I can't even say why
fluorescent flat caffeine lights
its furious balancing
I'm the screen, the blinding light
I'm the screen, I work at night.
I see today...
don't wake me with so much... the
ocean machine is set to 9
I'll squeeze into heaven and valentine
my bed is pulling me,
daysleeper. daysleeper.
daysleeper. daysleeper. daysleeper.
(R.E.M - daysleeper)
maaf baru sempat berkunjung dan posting lagi...baru saja terbebas dari "tidur" panjang karena aktifitas yang menyita 50 % stase di rs dan sisanya dihabiskan dengan tidur..jadilah blog terbengkalai..
tidur menjadi aktifitas keseharian diluar aktifitas sehari-hari yang tak berujung...tapi akhirnya semuanya segera berujung..kalau orang makassar bilang " kelihatan mi ujungnya"...hehehe..
jadi besok2 sudah bisa produktif lagi..
tidur itu mmg penting,kak!
ada proses yg namanya me-restore informasi yg qta dapatkan seharian, terjadi waktu tidur....
jadi dari short-ter memory,biar bs jadi long-term memory...
trus,trus,ada juga yg namanya proses tracking...seperti yg pernah sy baca di postingan ame....
tapi si penulis sendr belum sempat bercerita banyak ttg itu...
intinya,tidur itu penting!!
tak masalah kapan dan dimana,,
tapi kuantitasnya tetap harus dipertimbangkan...hoho
"tidur adalah salah satu marker u/kualitas hidupmu"
itu juga sy sadur dari postingannya ame yg lumayan baru...
ame asyik bgt deh!
tidur itu penting...ame jg blg g2...
alhamdulillah kita sudah punya waktu penetrasi lg...hahah...salama'ki kanda...
hidup blog!!!pacce fb...hehe
pasti beliau tertekan skali selama ini....krna eveybody loves sleep!!!hihi...
mgkin dy tdur 3 jam sehari,tapi saat weekend dy psti puas2in tdur seharian....haha
nda...b'canda ji..... blum mngrti bgmn bs ssorang bs tdur HANYA dgn 3 jam sehari......
mgkn fisiologi tubhnya yg sudah terbiasa mgkn....
iseng2 blog roll...
ada yg lg ketiduran jg disini.
Tidur emang marker hidup brkualias.
tp klo blebihan. emang sk bikin pusing.
"tired of sleeping"?
itu bkn cuma ungkapan main2.
hidup tiduuurrr!!!
k' uchie, gambarnya yg ini bagus...
kt guru sni rupaku, marker bagusya gambar itu, dr sberapa bxkx gambar itu dapat bercerita...
n' gambar iniiii...
tiap org yg memandang pasti punya crita2nya sndiri.pasti critanya bs jd banyaak!
ps: k' ipeeng ralat itu "pacce fb"...tersinggungka'..hehehe